American Permian Energy - The Environment

American Permian Energy Corporation has a challenge and a deep understanding that we as responsible citizens need to keep our land, water and air safe and clean to the best of our abilities. An oil and gas company makes many decisions daily. By using advanced drilling technologies our oil and gas drilling can make an environmental impact. By using smaller drilling pads and drilling multiple wells on each pad we can radically reduce the amount of land being used and thus more ‘surface land’ is protected. This means that the footprints of those drilling sites are reduced, therefore helping to protect both our land and wildlife.

American Permian Energy has switched over to almost all water based drilling fluids instead of oil based drilling fluids. We have also made decisions about our water disposal and our objective is to recycle our water where ever we can. Also when we flare gas we try and do that in the quickest manner possible in order to create less greenhouse gasses.

Our people do their very best to protect the environment of our West Texas Permian Basin.